Thesis Exhibitions (2020-2021) > Maddie English

Artist Statement

Enjoy the little things in life—a familiar concept but seldom practiced by most people. The unfortunate truth is that life is short, so why not enjoy all of it, including the little and not so exciting parts of life. This body of work explores the artist coming to terms with this concept throughout her college career. By focusing on the little things, these photographs portray life experiences that are entertaining from a “small” perspective. The main focus is on a small, average figure, much like the artist, in participation of these activities. The images from each scene are arranged in order of events to be read as a visual story. The “events” range from folding origami, to making cookies, to taking care of pets, to doing laundry. Although seemingly average tasks, the artist sees them as the simple parts of life that should still be cherished. “The Little Things” is a group of work intended to slow everyone down, including the artist herself, in order to see and realize the happiness that can be found in the small, ordinary parts of life. Make every minute count, be grateful for what you have, and seize the day.